Nationalist Associations
The Nationalist Associations of Mosfiloti were established in the year 1940 under the name “PATRIA” Nationalist Associations of Mosfiloti.
The -then -teacher of the village Ioannis Panagidis from Nicosia, the Community’s Priest Papamichael Constantinou, and Mr. Christos Prepis and Mr. Petros Ioannou, both from Mosfiloti, all played a leading part in their establishment.
The goal of the Association’s founders was to indoctrinate the youth with the Greek-Christian ideals and save it from the harmful materialistic world views.
After the end of the EOKA struggle, a soccer team was also created in the Nationalist Associations that bears the name “Digenis”, which is the pseudonym of the legendary leader of EOKA. In the first stages of their establishment, the Nationalist Associations were housed in an old building belonging to the village’s “Agia Marina” church. Afterwards, it was housed in the coffee-house of Christodoulos Prepis, who granted the place for free, until 1981.
After many efforts and through the voluntary work of its members, a two-storey, privately owned building was constructed, registered in the name of the Co-op Credit Society. Its inauguration was done on 6-12-81, conducted by the -then -Minister of Labour & Social Securities, Mr S. Stavrinakis. The sanctification ceremony (asperges) was performed by the Metropolitan Bishop of Kiti, Mr Chrysostomos.
In 1987, after countless efforts and through the voluntary work of its members, it also acquired a privately owned, fenced soccer field at a venue next to Agia Thekla. The area was leased by the Holy Archdiocese of Cyprus. The field has electric lighting and it includes locker rooms for the players and restrooms for the sports fans.
When the Italian fascists sunk the Greek destroyer “Elli”, the Nationalist Associations in collaboration with the Elementary School of Mosfiloti organised a fund raiser and -through the Greek Consulate -sent a large amount of money to the suffering Greek nation.
On the first Sunday after the 28th of October 1940, the Nationalist Associations of Mosfiloti conducted a rogation in the Holy Church of Agia Marina in favour of the Greek forces.
The Greek flags was raised after the ceremony.
Mosfiloti is the first village in Cyprus in which the Greek flag was raised after the events of October 1931.
The Nationalist Associations of Mosfiloti, dedicated to the service of the Nation, placed all their forces in the service of the goals of EOKA with the onset of the National Liberation Struggle of the organisation.
The Nationalist Associations have created a theatre group so as to stage traditional plays and comedies. In every National anniversary and also during the celebrations of Easter and Christmas, the theatre group always leaves the crowd with the best impressions.
In order to reinforce our Artistic events and exhibitions, they have also created a dance group for Greek and Cypriot dances. This Group has participated many times in various events such as that of the Carlsberg festival, of the National guard, and in various associations / societies. Today, this group is independent and has a separate committee, its own articles of association, and bears the name of “Our Roots” Folklore Club.
One of the greatest events organised by the Nationalist Associations is the “Cultural Festival for the manners and customs” that was done in 1989, in the “Digenis” soccer field, which was a great success.
The National Associations of Mosfiloti were amongst the first Associations that created a Blood Bank for the needs of the Association’s members and of the entire Community in general. The first blood donation was done on the 1-7-1983 with 22 participants and it was repeated every six months until 30-5-1991. Ever since then the Blood Donation became community-wide.
The National Associations of Mosfiloti obtain financial resources through the subscriptions of members, the contributions of friends and people who appreciate the Association, and the profits from balls and the Association’s Winter Bingo games.
Like every Association, the Nationalist Association of Mosfiloti also faces financial problems due to the expenses for the maintenance of its building, the soccer field, the soccer team of “Digenis”, and the other groups that are housed in the Association.
The following groups are housed in the building of Mosfiloti’s Co-op Credit Society:
1) Digenis Sports Club of Mosfiloti
The Digenis soccer team of the Nationalist Association of Mosfiloti participates in the league of the National Soccer Federation of the Nicosia District (E.P.O.P.L.), presenting an extensive action.
It has been awarded fair-play trophies and was crowned champion in three occasions, during the 85-86, 86-87, and 2001-2002 seasons. In 1986-87 it ranked 4th in the S.T.O.K. K.O.P. league.
During the past few years Digenis has had the following people as coaches:
Christoforos Kanti, Koumis Louka, Dimitris Kyriakopoulos, Andreas Ourris, Georgios Mouskos, Vasos Andrea, Pieris Matsaggos, Dimitris Aggeli, and Athos Tsolakis.
Every year, the Digenis soccer department of the Nationalist Associations of Mosfiloti organised a Seven-a-Side championship in memory of its prematurely deceased members, Georgios Constantinou, Lampros Lamprou, Georgios Georgiou, and Lympouris Orthodoxou.
2) DI.SY (Democratic Rally)
The Local Committee of the Democratic Rally that represents the party in various elections.
3) NE.DI.SY. (Youth of DE.SY.)
The Youth of the Democratic Rally in Mosfiloti.
A. Representing the NE.DI.SY in nation-wide and regional meetings, events, and conferences.
B. Also, it assumes the responsibility for various events such as national anniversaries, Christmas and Easter, and also the theatre group and the Folklore Club.
4) “PANAGROTIKOS” Association
It represents the farmers of the Mosfiloti Community.
In the year 1995 and after an initiative of the -then -President of the Community Council, Vasos Georgiou, the Association filed a request and registered in Cyprus’s Wrestling Federation (KOPAL).
During the first year of its establishment, because of a lack of space, the athletes did their training along with the athletes of Larnaca’s S.E.P. in Larnaca.
In the following year the team came into the hands of Coach Mr. Kostas Constantinou and their training was done in the building of the old Association, which belongs to Mr. Christodoulos Prepis who granted it free of charge. Coach Mr. Constantinou was a regional champion in Larnaca and has taken part wearing the team’s colours in various Wrestling championships.
Afterwards, Mr. Nikos Aggelidis took over as the team’s coach until 1.1.2004, a graduate of the Gymnastic Academy who specialises in Wrestling (all-in).
The team continues its training in the old Association and transfers once a week to Larnaca for further training, along with the athletes of PARIDEIO, under the supervision of Mr. Nikos Aggelidis and Mr. Andreas Malaou, the federal wrestling coach.
The team had the opportunity of also contesting outside Cyprus in various countries. The team has earned some distinctions in the Pan-Cyprian games, especially in the categories of boys and all-boys, conquering the third place for three consecutive years. During the year 2004, in games that took place in Kti of Larnaca on the 29-2-04, it takes the second place in teens and the fourth place in men.
6) FOLKLORE CUB “Our Roots”
(see separate page)

Popular Organizations

Cultural Association
The Cultural Club of Mosfiloti was established in November 1999 during its first constitutional and elective conference.
It is administrated by a committee consisting of 11 members and is elected every two years. It has 55 registered members and occupies more than 60 dancers aged from 7 until 45 years old. Several members of our club participate in the Community Choir of Pera Chorio and Nisou.
The aims of the Cultural Club according to its memorandum are:
1. Preservation of our Greek-Cypriot identity, promotion and betterment of our customs with spirituality and organization of cultural events and activities.
2. Entertainment of its members and the growth of cooperating and helping each other.
3. Contribution to social and innovative issues.
4. Participation and contribution to activities organized by community bodies.
The program of the M.C.C. is formed annually and its administrative board takes all necessary measures so as to ensure their realization.
Our scheduled events for 2005-6 include:
- Pancommunal backgammon competition, Friday 4th November 2005, at the Community Welfare Centre in Mosfiloti
- Door to door fund raising for the Pancyprian Association of Cancer patients and friends, October 2005.
- 4th General and Elective conference of the club’s members, Thursday 10/11/05, at 7:00 at the Community Welfare Centre in Mosfiloti.
- Participation in the Christmas Fest of our community, Sunday 18/12/05
- Christmas Party, 30th December, at the Golden Bridge.
- Carnival Fest, February 2006, at the Community Welfare Centre in Mosfiloti.
- Celebrations of our national anniversaries: 25th March, 1st April, Friday 24th of march 2006, at the Community Welfare Centre in Mosfiloti
- Artistic performance, end of June-beginning of July. This year’s performance will be dedicated to our poet Paulos Liasides.
- Summer cruise of the members, dancers and friends of the club.
- Participation in artistic, cultural and social events within and out of our community.
- Scientific lectures on many topics of common interest.
- Excursions, Bicycle riding
During the 4th General and Elective Conference on the 14th of November 2005, the new Administrative Committee was elected for the years 2005-7 as follows:
President: Takis Aggeli
Vice-President: Rodoula Petsa-Kousoulidou
Secretary: Stelios Stylianou
A. Secretary: Saturos Louka
Treasurer: Koullis Kousiappis
A. Treasurer: Antonis Mauris
Members: Takis Andreou Photis
Petros Koulermos
Nicky Georgiou
Giorgos Georgiou
Thekla Chrysostomou
Marios Chaggoudis
Honored member: Panayiotis Papastaurou
Motorcyclist Club
The Motorcycle Friends Club of the region of Mosfiloti was founded on 8 March 2000.
The base and the place of meetings of the Club are found in the road of Agias Marinas 1, in Mosfiloti, at a building that is noble concession of the church of Agia Marina.
The Club is constituted by a council having seven members and enumerates 74 active members. It is an athletic association, member of Cyprus Motorcycle Federation and is recognized by the Cyprus Sport Organization. It undertakes races and events on the subject of the motorcycle, from the timetable of the Federation.
The Club allocates a big and modern race area for motocross races in the best geographic point of Cyprus.
The aims of the Club are the promotion of the sport of the motorcycle and the entertainment of its members and friends through the events.
You can also become a member of our Club and take part in our events, by just conducting anyone of the members of the council at the following telephones or at the address:
Motorcycle Friends Club (Mosfiloti region)
Αgias Marinas 1
7647, Μosfiloti
President: Νeocleous Savvas – 99439155
Secretary: Andreou Theodoros – 99487861
Events and races inspector: Constantinou Costas – 99440151
Byzantic Music Choir
A team of residents of our community, seeing the danger (due to globalization and our participation in Europe) of losing our Cultural Identity, decided to create the Chorus of Byzantine and Traditional Chants.
This chorus was founded in the beginnings of 2003. It allocates around 20 members of various ages, from all the classes of our community.
Its aim (due to its name) is to maintain the tradition regarding the songs of our population, so that it can deliver them to the new generations that are coming.
This chorus acts under the artistic advises of Mattheos Mattheou.
It takes part in various events of the community.
Environmental Association
Committee Telephones
President : Antonis Andreou 22 313271
Secretary : Andreas Panayiotou 99 628646
Cashier : Stratis Panayiotou 99 640531
Advisors : Angelos Angeli 99 628503
Varnavas Petrou 99 567045
Antonis Angeli 99 533009
1. The hindrance with legal means of:
(a) The pollution of the air
(b) The pollution of surfaces or underground water
(c) The erosion or change of natural ground, from illegal excavations or embankments.
2. The protection of wild life (fauna and flora)
3. The protection and extension of the green environment
4. The determination and protection of regions for maintenance of nature
5. The maintenance of:
(a) Buildings or spaces of popular architectural or historical importance.
(b) Works and archaeological spaces.
6. The reduction of noise.
7. The predominance of cleanness and
8. Any other activity, that aims to the maintenance and protection of the natural beauty and particular character of the environment of the village.
The aims of THE SOCIETY are sought with the following means:
• With lectures, speeches, dialogic discussions, relative films, pictures or transparencies, with reports, radio programs, publications in newspapers or magazines, journalistic conferences etc.
• With the promotion and support of suitable legislation, administrative or other action, that is considered favorable to the aims of the Society and opposition in legislation, administrative or other action that is considered harmful to it.
• With the creation of library.
• With the organization of seminars.
• With the proclamation of relative competitions.
• With the organization or attendance in congresses concerning the environment.
• With the collaboration with other organizations or organisms etc relative with the environment (excluding political parties) for the achievement of common aims.
The resources of THE SOCIETY emanate from: –
(a) Subscriptions
(b) Contributions, donations and bequests
(c) Income from publications and various events
(d) Collections that take place after approval
(e) Any other legal income.
The Society celebrates on the 28 th of February the anniversary of its foundation according to its administrative council. The Society was founded on the 28 th of February 2001.
Blood Donation Committee
Folkloric Association
The F olklor ic Accosiation of Mosfiloti “Oi Rizes Mas”, was founded in 1999 and is accommodated in the building of S.E.K. Mosfiloti.
The active members are the following:
Μaria Athineou, Panayiota Antoniou, Chrystalla Christodoulou, Dora Nestora, Elena Kakoulli, Αndreas steliou, Christina Gavriel, Lenia Papastavrou, Αndreas Roussi, Chrysostomos Kadis και Dora Christodoulou.
The teacher is Mr.Theodoros Tsatsos with the help of Mr.Andreas Steliou.
The aims of the Accosiation are:
(a) Cultural, intellectual, moral, social and national promotion of the members.
(b) The entertainment of members.
(c) The exaltation and/or promotion of the quality of life of the members.
(d) The strengthening and/or promotion of our cultural heritage
(e) The maintenance and/or promotion of our folklore customs and folklore tradition and
(f) The general promotion of our cultural life.
The Accosiation seeks to the achievement of the above aims with:
• The collaboration with all those that wish for the progress of Folklore Accosiation
• The organization of various events as dancing, musical, theatrical and also with the attendance in national events.
(c) The collaboration with other cultural institutions and/or organizations of Cyprus and abroad.
(d) The attendance in various local and international festivals
(e) The foundation and/or maintenance of dancing group, chorus, theatrical department, band and other departments for the promotion of the aims of the group.
The resources of the Group emanate from subscriptions of the members, from contributions, donations, incomes from cultural and artistic events, sponsoring from cultural institutions, recreational events, tickets or any other activity decided by the administrative council.
The group takes part in various events of the community, in events that take place at the buildings of S.E.K. in collaboration with NE.DI.SY and around Cyprus where it is asked.
It took part in events of the Pancyprian Organization for those having many Children on
9/6/01 in the Municipal School of Agios Georgios in Larnaka and in the events of “Flood” leaving very good impressions.
Sport Grounds